Sunday, November 04, 2007

Steven Pinker should stop writing

Just the other day I saw article about a monkey that could use sign language and gestures to communicate with humans. Apparently this monkey was now dead and this had caused some controversy among some who say it really knew language and some who say didn't. In the article a self-touted "cognitive scientist" and "expert on language" Steven Pinker doubted that the monkey could really use language, think etc.

I find this completely flabbergasting. Not only is Pinker according to sources a strong defender of evolutionary view of nature, he also is very interested in language. Dear Mr Pinker, please let me ask you a question. How do you think language has evolved in humans if it can not be in monkeys? And how do you defend such an idea.

Even more disturbing but somehow more understanding is that Pinker is research fellow on Harvard. There is already no need to lambast this crook institution. It just got worse by the day, and this is even more proof.