Monday, January 04, 2010

Google is nonsense company

One of the worst companies here in the valley is Google. They always come up with something to tout Web 2 and "internet experience." The latest news are just shenanigans:

* Google OS - An OS based on Linux that only opens a browser window. All programs are run on this "platform". Dear Google, please let me ask you a question. When I want to do work outside of browser, what then? This is just crap. I have more important to do than doodle around on the internet!

* Google Go - a new programming language. I was going to read but saw that it has garbage collection. So it is nonsensical and slow.

Google thrive on peoples' stupidity. I have no hope that it will change soon, so I have to put up with it every day.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Steven Pinker should stop writing

Just the other day I saw article about a monkey that could use sign language and gestures to communicate with humans. Apparently this monkey was now dead and this had caused some controversy among some who say it really knew language and some who say didn't. In the article a self-touted "cognitive scientist" and "expert on language" Steven Pinker doubted that the monkey could really use language, think etc.

I find this completely flabbergasting. Not only is Pinker according to sources a strong defender of evolutionary view of nature, he also is very interested in language. Dear Mr Pinker, please let me ask you a question. How do you think language has evolved in humans if it can not be in monkeys? And how do you defend such an idea.

Even more disturbing but somehow more understanding is that Pinker is research fellow on Harvard. There is already no need to lambast this crook institution. It just got worse by the day, and this is even more proof.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Web 2 must be stopped

Finally another analyst has made the correct claim that Web 2 is just nonsensical and should be barricaded, from a BBC article:

Describing Web 2.0 as the "latest fashion", Mr Nielsen said that many sites paying attention to it were neglecting some of the principles of good design and usability established over the last decade.

Finally an "expert" reaches the right conclusion. However, some things are not right. My dear Mr Nielsen, let me ask you a question. In what way is the web about get in, get in and get out? Clearly this is the way ordinary users who don't understand anyway use the net. But this is not tenable, and any amount of rubbish can be seen when doing this. What the internet is for is information, not misguided entertainment searching. We serious users must protest this rampage.

Web 2 is doomed because lack of information. When Nielsen sees this he will become a real expert and not just some touted guru. Now he speaks some clarity among nonsense, but mostly he is wrong.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Blog is just a tool!

Today I had felt strong anger, almost to the point of wanting to say some dirty words. First a colleage asked me why I don't blog more often, follow news and comment on, etc. To this I can only say that I blog when there is need! Why people can't understand this? It was written in the first post, so:

Most people are very sloppy with facts, not check and so on so I provide correct viewpoint and point out obvious things.

I will post here every time I think there is need.

This is the reason I have this page. The words are there and shouldn't be difficult to comprehend, so read what I write or don't comment!

As if this was not enough, I also had to switch to Google account to write this. It is a shame that this company now wants to control the whole internet. They are leading in Web 2 development and just trap people in that nonsensical quagmire. Now I have to have account there because I use this service, but not happily or without protest.

Monday, April 02, 2007

April Fool is very annoying

Last day some of my colleages made joke with me, without knowing. They said that we had made a new library secretly that would solve many of the problems recently encountered. This made me feeling both glum and a bit optimistic in the sense that now there can be solution to some problems, but it is rude and arrogant to make important changes without telling so.

I spent quite some time asking them about this new library. After lunch they came back, laughed at me and said I had been fooled. Since I usually don't follow the native ways of Americans etc I have not heard about this before and asked for its use. The answer angered me. It is just to make people believe in nonsensical things and then laugh when they not understand. How this can be tenable?!

Also later I see many companies, newspaper, even private people make the same kind of so-called jokes! Yesterday nothing worked as it should which I find very annoying and angry. I would like to ask people here what the point is of this and how they can accept.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Flunkey programmers in upstart companies makes me angry

One thing that really makes me angry, irate even, is when upstarts here in the valley use outsourced labor from India or China that create horrible code. Of course it's good that these countries develope too and create more and more highly skilled workforce, but right now it is not good idea to base whole concept of them.

For example, yesterday I and some colleages went to a startup that did most of their work remote for profit reasons. The things they showed us was deplorable. Not only was the code based on Java and a big, bloated database, they also boasted about the perceived raised performance, system integrity etc. We had market people with us that tried to make good case, but since these do not usually understand issues involved I spoke up about the hogwash and that was the right thing to do. Afterwards some of my colleages thanked me and the market people were quiet.

I have seen this too much and just cannot stand. How many upstarts in the valley collapse because of horrible code practices? Probably an astronomic number. So by being extremely strict and no ones fool this time we got rid of bigger and bigger problems longer down the road. This is also advice for other companies thinking about the same thing. First check code, then if it is OK you can go on. Otherwise don't take risks.

Friday, February 02, 2007

High-heel shoes should be forbidden

Yesterday I was in hurry to the local caltrain station and walked fastly down stairs, when there were people on both sides and a young woman got in front of me. She was wearing high-heel shoes and walked very slowly because of inconvenience (the heels make walking impractical and look strange). So I just walked behind her feeling very angry since I missed the train. When we finally got down to platform I told her that she should get other shoes or not go out and walk to inhibit other persons walking. The answer was muckraking:

- Well, you could plan your time better, mister!

I told very strongly that my time is planned extremely strict and so have no time to be slow in commuting, etc. The woman ignored me and walked away. I called the police about this but they ignored saying that this is none of their business.

This is extremely outrageous to the highest degree. Why I should miss almost one hour of important study and information gathering time just because people wear stupid things? Clearly the US government do not care about missed time. If these things are forbidden we will see growth rate going up and even stronger Bay Area in the future.