Monday, May 14, 2007

Web 2 must be stopped

Finally another analyst has made the correct claim that Web 2 is just nonsensical and should be barricaded, from a BBC article:

Describing Web 2.0 as the "latest fashion", Mr Nielsen said that many sites paying attention to it were neglecting some of the principles of good design and usability established over the last decade.

Finally an "expert" reaches the right conclusion. However, some things are not right. My dear Mr Nielsen, let me ask you a question. In what way is the web about get in, get in and get out? Clearly this is the way ordinary users who don't understand anyway use the net. But this is not tenable, and any amount of rubbish can be seen when doing this. What the internet is for is information, not misguided entertainment searching. We serious users must protest this rampage.

Web 2 is doomed because lack of information. When Nielsen sees this he will become a real expert and not just some touted guru. Now he speaks some clarity among nonsense, but mostly he is wrong.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Blog is just a tool!

Today I had felt strong anger, almost to the point of wanting to say some dirty words. First a colleage asked me why I don't blog more often, follow news and comment on, etc. To this I can only say that I blog when there is need! Why people can't understand this? It was written in the first post, so:

Most people are very sloppy with facts, not check and so on so I provide correct viewpoint and point out obvious things.

I will post here every time I think there is need.

This is the reason I have this page. The words are there and shouldn't be difficult to comprehend, so read what I write or don't comment!

As if this was not enough, I also had to switch to Google account to write this. It is a shame that this company now wants to control the whole internet. They are leading in Web 2 development and just trap people in that nonsensical quagmire. Now I have to have account there because I use this service, but not happily or without protest.