Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Use rules to see how well you live

Recently a friend asked me what way I live, how I plan daily necessities and so on. When I retorted that it just is meticuluous and done according to drafted routine, he refused to believe. He was thinking about other thing: what I think is good life and how we should live. Normally I shun such locutions as unscientific and given to metaphysical doodling, but in a sense it is good question. So I choosed to answer.

It is very simple: the more rules you follow, the better you are.

Geniuses and other very intelligent people have many, many rules and definitions. They think for example that in order to create a good car, you must know so many concepts and rules that ordinary people can't match you. In the same way, I think that you should number your rules and see how well you live. Only intelligent people can hold many rules in their mind at similar time.

Right now I follow 247 rules. Among them are the following:

35. Follow US law and learn more about it, possibly every evening.
56. Plan 90 percent of your awake time. If others intrude, rebuke them.
71. Every mistake you make must be written in book and studied to avoid further making of same mistake.
133. You must do mental excersises as much as physical to make the brain better.
179. Do not read stupid things to avoid mental chatter.


barlon said...

Where can obtain these rules Sir?

Anonymous said...

Hi, I like this rules. Is there any way I could read all of them? Thanks.