Thursday, August 10, 2006

Eric Raymond is an idiot

A couple of days ago I happen to run into a webpage which says it is blog and belongs to avowed computer programmer Eric Raymond. He tout Linux in different places (not in third world!) and quite often make some racist and reactionary remarks. He dismiss all components as "lefties". Now this time he write the follows:

He says he is unhappy because he must remove comments and really believe in free speech. My dear Eric, please let me ask you a question. How does what you do impede free speech. And how could deleting commentaries from a blog be considered harming to free speech. You just try to tout your political cause everywhere and you do it badly. As well, consider separating between your own world and society in big context which needs free speech.

It is strange that such bright computer programmer can be so stupid in ordinary measures.


Anonymous said...

Raymond's not a "bright" programmer by any means. He's barely competent.

Anonymous said...

I use fetchmail everyday. Thanks Eric.

Anonymous said...

To author of this "blog" please take your racism against Eric some where else, it offends me in this day and age.