Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Joel Spolsky is an idiot

Joel Spolsky is a "software developer" residing in the New York area who have lot of readers for his blog. However, he only writes stupid things or day-to-day doodling. In one of the latest posts he lambasts simplicity and says everyone wants features. Yes users are often clueless but this is no idea to include stupid things nobody really needs. Joel, let me ask you something. When you sell a lot and lower the quality of software as a whole, don't you feel ashamed?

Joel should change his mind or not write.


jrc said...

Respected Sir

How are you doing? I hope you fine, I have greatrespect to you..

i want to ask a question from you , how you know so much concerning soft wars. i want to become computer programmer like you .
,will you tell me how to write programs ,i amvery thankful to you,

Looking for answer.

Rahul Masad

jrc said...

Respected Sir

How are you doing? I hope you fine, I have greatrespect to you..

i want to ask a question from you , how you know so much concerning soft wars. i want to become computer programmer like you .
,will you tell me how to write programs ,i amvery thankful to you,

Looking for answer.

Rahul Masad

puterman said...

Paig, it's quite simple, you and Joel want different things. He wants money, you want quality software. To make money, you need to release new versions with new features, to convince people to give you more money. If you want quality software, you refine the important aspects of your product, instead of adding more stuff all the time.

jrc said...

Hello Sir

i have send a mial to u but Still i have not received anyresponse !!!!!!!!!!!!!

kindly to tell me how can I become comptuer programer and what is the procudure.I am verry thankful if u r doing this .

i would like 2 start friend ship with u,
pls respond 2 my mail,

waiting for the help response quickly.

urs friendly,

Rahul Masad

Paig Saghamullit said...

asad6352000: I worked hard and diligent over many years, then company in US realize potential and hire me. You must do same thing if you want to achieve results. However you must be intelligent, otherwise not apply.

Paig Saghamullit said...

Puterman: However, those who just want money and do stupid add-ons are shameful and should remorse. Just because you can get more dollars do not mean you're right to do whatever. Unfortunately today customers just misunderstand.

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